
Real Life & Race-Running

Lead worship at Real Life & Chi Alpha today! Fun stuff! It's always a privilage to lead God's people into worship. I learned that I really like Chicken & Bean soup, I'm really good with awesome babies named Beckett, and this: Life is a Race, and it's all about how you finish.....

I think so many of us get caught up in our failures. Brad preached tonight about running the race that Christ has set before us. We're not perfect-- no one is. We all fall. It takes a real man, a real woman, to get back up-- to press on to the high mark that is in Christ Jesus. I don't want to re-preach what he shared, but I want to encourage you how the Holy Spirit encouraged me: You can do this, with Christ's help. We can be winners. We are more than conquerors. Jesus loves you. He's not mad at you. He's madly in love with you.


On a completely different note... in direct contrat to my last post.... I find myself at Barnes & Noble's again. In my humble defense, Starbucks was packed. It's been the first day of great weather in Shreveport. (Great weather for us is NOT 103 and 99.99% humidity. ) It's been about 65 degrees today, and people flocked to the cafes.

On a random side note: When I was a kid, I used to freak out when the humidity was 99%. I thought that if it ever hit 100% that meant that the air would turn to water and we'd all drown. Think about it. It made sense at the time.

Barnes & Noble & Homework?

Barnes & Noble is the best, and worst, place to do homework. On one hand, I get to look all artsy and contemporary with my laptop and wireless connection. People look at me and assume that I am smart and educated because I am vigourously typing on my computer and have a stack of books next to me that look used and broken it. What they don't know if that I just started a Blogger account and am blogging. I have been on facebook for the past hour and have only gotten 20% of my homework done. I guess doing homework at Barnes & Noble is like plastic fruit. It's probably the best looking thing you every did see, but it's useless when you have the munchies. My advice kids-- stay at home, go to the library, because a barista yelling "PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE NO WHIP EXTRA FOAM" every 34.5 seconds is hardly a scholastic environment.