
my love/hate relationship with starbucks...

I love Starbucks.It's where I go to hang out with good friends on a Saturday morning.I get to chill, nap, talk, and people watch (which I refuse to admit is creepy).

EDIT: Wow! So in editing my site, I accidentally, prematurely posted this Starbucks post that I had been working on... might as well finish this so it's not quiet as embarrassing... at least there is header artwork for it... uh.... BACK TO THE BLOGGING.

However, I always fall into the trap of thinking that I'll get anything worthwhile done while I'm there. I go there with my laptop, books, and even a pair of snazzy glasses; I walk away unstudied and full of caffeine and conversation. I can't say that I'm losing, but I'm definitely not winning.... Charlie Sheen joke!.... anyone get that?... no?.... alright. Moving on.

Will I ever learn? Never. Starbucks Passion Tea Lemonade and Splenda Iced Coffee are too good to ignore. So, I will continue to go to Starbucks, bring my books, not study, hang out with friends, and be the happier (and worse) for it.

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