One thing that I have noticed more and more on Facebook is the use of #hashtags in people's statuses.... stati? Whatever. This is becoming a pet peeve. I would put one of the many examples I've seen, but the guilty parties would most likely see it and.... awkward. One person that I don't mind throwing under the Twitter bus is my friend Weston (because he's a good sport about it). LaBreeska (@la_brees_ka) and I confronted him on his #hashtag Facebook posts, and here's what he had to say (I don't know why I did the strange voice):
So, there you have it. They just can't. I'll be going to Southwestern Assemblies of God University in the fall to finish my degree. I hope that I don't fall victim to this social media faux pas.
Want to follow me on Twitter so that you can use all the #hashtags that you want? Follow me at: @jdrinkard.
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