epic hot sauce packet. leaves from a photo shoot i did with danielle. me & a typewriter. |
I'm not sick anymore. Thank God. All that I am left with is a sore throat and a new appreciation for Hall's cough drops, chicken broth, and hot showers. I should be used to it by now, but I'm not. I get like this every time the winter hits and the seasons begin to change. I guess my body is more conservative than I once thought. #whowouldathought.
Speaking on changing seasons-- I've found myself in a pretty cool season of life. It's like I woke up one day and found myself surrounded by artists, musicians, chefs, and genuinely beautiful people. I keep learning more about grace and love. I feel so moved at times when I think about the opportunity that I have to love people-- not just for who they are, but who they can be. I love believing in people.
Psalm 2:8 (NIV, ©2010) Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.
Well, I don't want to babble on. To keep you all informed, my friend Landon and I have continued writing for the album. He leaves for a tour in February, so there's the crunch time. I'm getting excited. Also, just finished another song for the worship album coming later this year!