
Southwestern Days & Southwestern Nights #2: "This One Thing"

     It feels so good to be exactly where the Lord wants me to be. Just yesterday, I was telling a new friend of mine how glad I was that I had chosen to come to SAGU. Yes, there are idiosyncrasies (as with any place) but there is also such a presence of the Lord and sense of destiny here. The people are great, and I can already tell that the friends I'm making now will be pillars that I'll lean on in the future. As I look out of the window of the fourth floor of Bridges Hall, I can't help but to dream of what the Lord has for Leah and I. It's incredible, really, when I think about it. I mean, it's so ridiculous for God to use me. But He does. But He does.

     A few days ago, I was in the altar worshiping when the Lord gave me a vision. For the most part, it was in first person. I was worshiping when the Lord picked up a jar of oil and poured it over my head. The jar was large, so the oil completely drenched me. The Lord said this one thing, "I've poured holiness over you." It was so significant, so personal, so timely for what I was going through. How awesome is it that we serve a God that actually cares, actually.

     So what's new and good in my life? Well, I'm glad you asked (or are at least pretending to be interested).

     First thing! I made Chorale! Wait, Joseph. What's Chorale? Chorale is an auditioned small, vocal ensemble group. I believe we are between 18-20 people. We will be performing at SAGU, traveling, and possibly taking an awesome trip this summer! I am very excited about being a part. This is one of the biggest highlights of the semester so far. I'll be singing bass-- which is great. It means I won't be leaving rehearsals or performances with a sore throat. Hallelujah.

     Second thing! I made Chapel Worship Team! I'll be playing keyboard and singing tenor. I love where I am on the team. I feel like I am perfectly positioned to not only be involved, but observe, learn, and DEFINITELY grow. I can not wait to see what the Lord is going to do this semester, honestly. This coming Thursday I have a meeting where I'll learn more about which team(s) I'll serve. Being a part of the SAGU worship department is a dream come true and a goal realized. It may not seem like a huge deal, but this is yet another confirmation from God that he is able to fulfill His purposes in my life (Psalm 138:8). He can do the same for you!

     Third thing! Someone gave me a guitar! I had been leading some worship in the prayer room here at SAGU using the guitar of whoever was there. I had been wanting to learn more, but I didn't have an instrument to practice with.  I wasn't even praying for a guitar. Isn't great how the Lord knows our needs (and wants) before we even pray for them (Matthew 6:8)? The giver commissioned me with these words: Play skillfully. Needless to say, I'm hitting the practice room!

     "Therefore I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God" (Romans 15:17). I just wanted to tell you how great God is. Trust me, I am so undeserving of everything and every opportunity that the Lord has given me. I want to encourage you to trust God. Trust Him with your tithe. Trust Him with you time and energy. We don't serve to get, but I promise that you'll reap so much more serving Him. It's still challenging for me. I have several LARGE trips coming up this summer totaling around $6,000.00, but I can't help but take peace in His will being done.

     I'll leave you with a song, "This One Thing", by William Matthews. He's a artist that I've recently discovered. I can't think of a better song to describe what's welling up in me right now. The heart of the song is our pursuit of Jesus. Because of Jesus, we have full access into the throne room of God-- USE IT. Enter today. Enjoy worshiping!